We can’t do it
without you

Pet Haven is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that receives no governmental funds. As such, we rely entirely upon donations to continue our mission. We are so grateful for any contribution you can make!

All donations are tax deductible.

Monetary donations

Online donations

A convenient way to support us is to donate via PayPal, by clicking the button below. You can make a one-time donation, or recurring monthly donations. Whichever you choose, the cats thank you!

In-person donations

If you wish to make a donation in-person at the shelter, please visit us at 333 W Orchard in Nampa. It’s a great opportunity to meet our cats and get some purr therapy!

Mail-in donations

You may also mail a donation to us, in any amount, and receive a receipt in return. Please make the check payable to “Pet Haven Inc” and mail it to this address:

Pet Haven
P.O. Box 481
Nampa, ID 83653

Honors and memorials

One way to honor special people and occasions and celebrate the lives of departed family, friends, and pets is to give to our honors and memorials program.

Your honors and memorials are truly gifts of life, helping us continue to fulfill our mission of saving cats and kittens. In appreciation, your gift will be specially listed in the newsletter sent to all Pet Haven members.

To give to the honors and memorials program, please provide details on who you are honoring when you make your donation, whether it be in-person, sent in the mail, or via PayPal. (For PayPal, please put the details of who you are honoring or memorializing in the notes section.)


Join the Pet Haven family! As a member, you will help enrich our community by supporting us as we work to provide a better life for cats and kittens. You will also receive our newsletter, which includes Pet Haven news and updates, helpful cat care articles, interesting cat facts and information, honors and memorials program donations, entertaining cat tidbits, and more.

Memberships may be purchased in-person at our shelter.

  • Adults: $25/year

  • Seniors and youth: $15/year

  • Lifetime membership: $125

Item donations

In-person donations

We accept in-person donations of cat food, treats, bedding, bowls, and furniture at our shelter.

We also accept donations of office supplies, and occasionally certain electronics. (For electronics, please call ahead to check what we can accept.)

Wish lists

A convenient way to view and order items we need is to check our wish lists on these sites:

Kennel sponsorships

Like our honors and memorials program, another way to celebrate special people and pets is to give to our kennel sponsorship program. These donations provide basic necessities for each cat and kitten in our care, such as a safe space, food, water, and litter box. By sponsoring a kennel, you literally help keep cats and kittens alive as we prepare them for adoption. We showcase each gift on our shelter's kennel sponsorship display.

  • 3-month sponsorship: $35

  • 6-month sponsorship: $65

  • 12-month sponsorship $125

Free (or almost free) ways you can help


We always have a need for volunteers to play with the cats and give them love, keep our shelter clean and comfortable, or to foster cats and kittens.

You can find out all about it here!

Walmart Round-Up

Do you use walmart.com? If so, then you can help support Pet Haven at very little cost to yourself. If you select Pet Haven as your local charity, you can round-up your purchases to the nearest dollar and Walmart will donate the difference (at most $0.99) to us. It’s an easy, low-cost way to help support the kitties!

Note: This applies only to purchases made on walmart.com. In-store purchases do not currently support selecting a charity.

  1. Go to walmart.com, and sign in to your account. (Or create an account if you don’t have one.)

  2. Click on your account near the top right corner of the page, and select “Account” from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on “Giving & Impact”.

  4. Under “Your preferred charity”, click on “Select local charity”.

  5. Search for “pet haven”, and select “Pet Haven Inc” from the results.

  6. IMPORTANT: When you make a purchase on walmart.com, just before placing the order check the box “Round up and donate” under the estimated taxes. It’s easy to miss 🙀

That’s it! Now every time you use your Fred Meyer card, you’ll be helping support the cats and kittens in our care.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

You can help Pet Haven every time you shop at Fred Meyer. It’s easy! Just follow these steps.

  1. Get a free Fred Meyer card, if you don’t already have one. You can get these at any Fred Meyer store.

  2. Go to fredmeyer.com, and sign in to your account. (Or create an account if you don’t have one.)

  3. Click on your name and select “My Account” from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click on “Community Rewards”.

  5. Search for Pet Haven either by typing “pet haven” or “PT589” in the search field.

  6. Click “Enroll”.

That’s all! Now every time you use your Fred Meyer card, you’ll be helping support the cats and kittens in our care.

Planned giving

As you plan your charitable giving, please consider donating in a new and significant way: name Pet Haven as a beneficiary of your estate.

Sometimes referred to as legacy or planned giving, you may give this type of charitable bequest in many ways, including money, assets, specific items, or a percentage or all of your estate, in any amount.

You may name Pet Haven as a beneficiary of your:

  • Will

  • Living trust

  • Life insurance policy

  • Annuity

  • IRA or other retirement assets

  • Bank account

  • Certificate of deposit

  • Brokerage or investment account

For more information, and to properly document your beneficiary wishes, please consult a legal or financial professional, then call call Nancy (our board president) at 208-960-4247 us to let us know your wishes.

Your gift will help cats and kittens live in a more humane world, now and in the years to come.

Corporate sponsorships

We gratefully accept corporate sponsorships and donations in any amount, as well as partnering for fundraising events. We acknowledge this generosity on our website, where each sponsor's logo is displayed and linked to the sponsor's website; on our social media accounts; and in our newsletter sent to all Pet Haven members.

Please join other community-minded businesses and organizations already supporting Pet Haven! To learn how, please call Nancy (the Pet Haven board president) at 208-960-4247 or email contact@pethavencats.org.