Be a cat’s hero!

Whether it’s helping older cats find new homes, coaxing shy cats out of their shells, fostering cats in need, or just cuddling kittens, there’s a way you can help!

Becoming a volunteer is easy

Service is at the core of Pet Haven, and this is powerfully exhibited by our team of dedicated volunteers. The Pet Haven volunteers are a diverse group of all ages and from all walks of life. Some of our younger volunteers are Girl Scouts, have special needs, or are on internships from local high schools

To become a volunteer, visit our shelter to fill out a volunteer form. At that time you’ll be given a tour of the shelter, along with an orientation on what volunteers can do.

There are no time commitments, and you can choose how you would like to help. Any time you share with the kitties is appreciated, both by us and them!

Note: Volunteers age 13 and younger must be accompanied by a guardian.

If you are looking to serve court-mandated community service, please sign up here.


One of the most important and rewarding things a volunteer can do is to help socialize our cats.

Socializing is all about helping the cats be their best selves in front of potential adopters, so they can find a forever home as quickly as possible.

For all cats, coming into a shelter is a stressful experience. Without socializing, they can become scared and depressed, making it even harder for them to find homes.

But a cat that feels safe, loved, and happy will be relaxed, playful, and let their personality shine through, making it more likely they’ll be adopted quickly!

For some cats (particularly kittens), this comes naturally. But many cats are shy and need your help to feel safe and confident. Others have been through trauma, and require a great deal of patience and compassion to become adoptable. And some are aggressive, making them unapproachable until they’ve been socialized.

The good news is that volunteers like you can make a HUGE impact in these cats’ lives! You will be the best part of their day, giving them love and happiness while they wait for their forever family to find them. It’s incredibly rewarding!


Please consider taking time and space in your home to care for cats and kittens that aren’t quite ready to come into the shelter. This often means bottle fed kittens, injured or recovering cats, and sometimes involves working with more behaviorally complicated cats depending on your interest and availability. We always have a need for fosters.

All supplies will be provided by Pet Haven as needed. Please note that fostered cats must be returned to Pet Haven after the foster has finished so they may be formally adopted. Failure to submit cats back into our care will result in a removal from the foster program.  


Our staff does an excellent job of providing a clean environment for our cats and guests. However, with so many cats in our care, cleaning never ends. Help from our volunteers is greatly appreciated!

Cats, especially kittens, can be quite creative in making messes. Whether it’s accidentally spilling their litter box, dunking their blankets in the water dish, or heaving up a furball, a lot can happen throughout the day. Volunteers help us keep up with these events by either taking care of them themselves, or alerting the staff.

Apart from making the cats more comfortable and the shelter more inviting to guests, this volunteer vigilance is a crucial part of keeping our cats healthy. Even the calmest shelter can be a stressful environment for cats, and that stress can make them susceptible to illness. By staying on top of the messes and accidents that happen throughout the day, volunteers help keep the cats healthy and happy, which makes them more likely to be adopted.

Other ways to volunteer

  • Spread the word! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and share posts with cat lovers!

  • Cat adoption events/fundraisers. Assist Pet Haven personnel during the event.

  • Community service. Help with daily cleaning routine, including room cleaning, dishes, laundry, kennel deep cleaning, and side projects. Will be exposed to cat messes and temperamental cats.

  • Serve on our Board of Directors. Attend board meetings and participate in activities to manage Pet Haven's affairs and property and promote its welfare. Position availability depends on board vacancies.