The Friendly Fixers
Low Cost Spay & Neuter
Clinic is on-site at Pet Haven’s shelter, located at 333 W Orchard Ave in Nampa,.
Services and Fees
NOTE: All services are CASH ONLY.
These procedures are by appointment only. Click the button below to book an appointment.
Spay (Female): $50
Neuter (Male): $25
Cryptorchid (Male): $45+
These add-on services can be performed at the same time as a spay or neuter.
Extra pain injection: $5
Nail trim: $3
1 year FVRCP (Distemper) vaccine: $15
1 year FELV (Feline Leukemia) vaccine: $20
1 year Rabies: $15
On a brief hiatus until mid-late April
Check back in a few weeks for updated appointments
How does it work?
Begin by making your appointment with the link above on SignUpGenius; you can book up to 3 cats at one time.
Drop off is located at Pet Haven at the front door from 7:30am-8:15am SHARP.
Pick up is located at Pet Haven at the front door from 1:45pm-2:15pm.
NOTE: If you need a late pick up (hold to 5 pm) pay $5 more at drop off. If you do not pay for late pickup at the drop off, you will be charged $20. For pick up after 2:15pm please use the main entrance to the Pet Haven shelter.
Cats will be woozy upon pick up. Keep them indoors for 24 hours to recover.
Food may be given the night of the surgery, and water any time after the surgery.
I don’t see any new appointments, and all the rest are full.
Keep an eye out on the sign up page for appointment updates and cancelations.
Can I fix a pregnant or cat in heat?
Yes, just notify at the time of drop off.
Can I fix a wild/feral cat here?
Yes. We require they be in a trap at the time of drop off.
I need to update or cancel my appointment. How do I do that?
The e-mail that you use to sign up will give you a cancelation link.
What if I don’t have an e-mail address?
We require an e-mail address as a form of contact to book appointments, and cannot book appointments without one. The sign up system requires a link to update and manage all appointments. Pet Haven office staff does not have access to appointment management for Friendly Fixers.
What if I have questions about the surgery after I pick the cat up?
Please call Animal Health Hospital at 208-562-0156 for medical guidance post-op.
When should I be worried about my cat?
Loss of appetite for at least 2 days, refusal of water for more than one day, severe lethargy, diarrhea for more than 12 hours, or severe pain requires the guidance of a veterinarian. Please contact Animal Health Hospital at 208-562-0156 for follow up steps and treatment.